Tuesday, September 16, 2003

The Great Ocean Road - Day Two

Following Anne's bath at The Jail we left Mount Gambier in the rain - grrr. Day one was "poo with wee mixed in" we decided, and we hope that day two would be a bit better. Much depended on the weather.

We left South Australia (after less than a week there) and entered Victoria. We stopped at a few towns along the Great Ocean Road, and had lunch at Port Fairy. As we were saddend by the rain we had a hot meat pie there, sitting in the car. I discovered that I hadn't extended the car radio aerial fully, and we found that we could get one or two radio stations - rejoice! That said, the quality of the radio here isn't high (I'm referring to the DJs' talent, rather than the transmission quality - which is also poor).

From Port Fairy, it was on to Port Campbell, where we'd booked a room at the hostel. As we approached, the skies cleared and the sun came out. We got to see a few really good views along the coast - hooray! Day two turned out to be just mediocre, rather than "poo with wee mixed in". Port Campbell is really quite pleasant, with some great scenery. However, by the time we got there the weather had changed again and we got into the hostel just before the heavens opened. We sat in front of the hostel TV all night, listening to the wind and rain. The wind and rain also disturbed our sleep that night. We hoped Monday would prove to be better.