Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Budget time

The federal budget was announced yesterday. No red briefcase outside Number Ten for these cats, just straight-talking down in Canberra.

Tax is a hot point in Australia. The Aussies are always complaining about tax from what I can see. I think this comes from a distrust of government in general. Despite this distrust, Aussies are pretty law-abiding and, after a good moan, go along with what their government says. I've read that this complaining about the government whilst doing exactly what they're told can be traced back to their convict origins, but I'd say that's a bit of a stretch, especially given that about 50% of the population has arrived in the last 50
years or so.

Anyway, yesterday income tax was lowered for all, partly thanks to more tax coming in through the Goods And Services Tax (GST), which was introduced a few years ago (amid much wailing and gnashing of teeth). This is a sales tax like the UK's VAT, but the rate is lower Â? 10%. The across-the-board income tax cut benefits the wealthy more than the poor, so it's a pretty crappy measure.
There's going to be a Federal Election later this year, in case you were wondering.

Of course, defence got a boost in the budget thanks to "The Times In Which We Live". The recent defence-budget-justification-exercise in the Gulf seems to have done its job and arms manufacturers are grinning all the way to Armageddon.

The papers are saying the public health service - Medicare - should have got more investment. From the sound of things it's not in a great state (much like the NHS). I'd like free dental care to be introduced, since I've just lost a filling. I phoned around some dentists this morning and I think it's going to cost me about 100 quid to get it replaced, and that's if I'm lucky and it doesn't need a lot of work. Grrr! I could do without this expense, especially since I've just forked out for new contact lenses.

Perhaps I should rescind my resignation from my job at the ABC? Nah - of course I'd rather travel, even if it does mean no income. We leave in a under two weeks! I guess it's budget time for Anne and me too.