Thursday, May 08, 2003

Big Bother

Big Brother started here a couple of weeks ago (the third Australian series, so I hear). There are two houses - a "round" house and a "square" house. I guess they'll try to shake things up by moving people between houses at some point. The nominations are different this year too - they ask the housemates for the two people they don't want to be evicted and then the two housemates with the fewest positive votes are up for nomination.

Other than that, same ol' same ol'.

Despite my explanation of the Aussie Big Brother nuances there, I've not watched more than a couple of minutes at a time. Having been a fan of the first two UK series I tired of the third and can't be bothered any more. The Aussie series isn't doing too well in the ratings, I gather, though it's a bit early to tell. It's on at 7pm every night (meaning Seinfeld is no longer on - grrr) which means all the swearing has to be beeped out. Since one of the houses seems to be filled with potty-mouths that makes for pretty tiresome viewing (unless you're into "dance" music and can get a vibe from the incessant beeping, I suppose).

I read in The Herald that they're filming the British show "I Wish I Was Still A Celebrity - Let Me On The Telly" somewhere up the coast. So glad to be away from that. Apparently it's doing wonders for the economy in the area though, so it's not all bad.

These reality TV shows certainly had their moment, but I'd be happy for them to curl up and die now. Having said that, Anne was glued to "Surprise Wedding" the other week. That was until it became clear that every single couple was going to end up getting married and no one's lives were going to be destroyed on national TV. How dull.