Friday, May 02, 2003

Quiz and drugs

After a blip (fourth place!) a couple of weeks ago, we won the quiz again last night. It seems we can't win now without Richard's help as he's good at music,
sport and geography. We won by a few points against our arch rivals - it was a good night, with plenty of friendly rivalry.

Now onto the drugs. There's been a big scandal in Australia this week with a massive recall of pharmaceuticals and alternative medicines. A company called
Pan Pharmaceuticals has been accused of poor practices and falsifying test results, resulting in some of their products differing in active contents by
700%. Apparently people who took a herbal travel pill were trying to jump off ships and out of planes from the hallucinogenic effects! The big problem is
this company supply drugs to other companies who sell them on and there's a lot of confusion within companies as to whether their products are sourced form this
(allegedly) rogue company. It's led to pharmacist's shelved being cleared and huge lists of recalled drugs in the papers. A bit of a mess really.