Thursday, April 03, 2003

The Sixties Nine vs The Seven Deadly Sins

SKT here. More news on my progress with the Magnum Sixties Nine range. I had a Jami Hendrix (instead of Jimi Hendrix – do you see?) the other day, which is like a normal (Classic) Magnum, but with bits of cookie (biscuit to you and me) in the chocolate coating and strawberry “jam” layers running through the ice cream. It was pretty good. Yum!

However, now for some bad news (for me, not for those of you in the UK).

My research into Magnum Ice Creams abroad uncovered a limited edition range that was out in Oz last year – The Seven Deadly Sins. There’s a Peppermint Envy Magnum still out here, which I assume is a left-over from that range. Perhaps it is really nice and, when faced with it being withdrawn from sale at the end of the promotion, the Aussies came together as one to protest. Their protests probably fell on deaf ears at first, but over time Streets (Aussie name for Walls) were worn down and gave in, magnanimously agreeing to continue selling the popular snack. So that proves that Streets do have ears after all. Hold on - that joke doesn't work in Oz.

Some of those seven sins aren’t pleasant though, so it’s a bit odd that they’ve made a luxury ice cream with a Wrath theme, for example.

Anyway, one of Anne’s friends got in touch to gloat, sorry – inform me, that this Seven Deadly Sins range is coming out in the UK this summer (it may already be out - run to your local Bejam to find out!) (QUICK!)

So you lot enjoy your luxury ice creams, and let me know what they’re like. Perhaps you could try each one and then rate them in order of preference, sending me a summary with a brief comment about each one. I hope one of them is as bad as the Sixties Nine Candy Warhol [shivers at the memory]. I will collate opinions on this limited edition range and let you all know in due course what the general consensus is.

Please don’t tease me about missing out on this range on two continents though. Remember that my limited edition range has nine units within it. Yours has seven. I win by the sheer physical amount of numbers.

In the meantime, I think I still have two more Sixties Nine Magnums to nosh on.

Bruiser Glazier

Anne’s sister Kerry wasn’t taken in at all by my tale of Anne’s violent nature:

"I didn’t guess straightaway – but I was suspicious when you wrote that the Home and Away ladies were coming onto you, then I finally
twigged when you claimed Anne punched the dunken beauty. Headbutting is more Anne’s style"