Thursday, April 24, 2003

Not a nail biting experience

My name’s Stephen and I bite my nails. Or at least I did. Given that I’m 28 now (not “28 years of age” – I hate it when people say that) Anne decided I should stop this disgusting activity, and I’m happy to say I agree with her. It’s a horrible habit and I’m ashamed of the way my hands look, so it’s high time I made an effort to stop putting germs and filth in my mouth. If I can’t stop on a supposedly relaxing year off I never will.

Anne was also particularly offended when I admitted to her that I did stop biting them once for a couple of months when I was about 15 in order to please my then-girlfriend. I started biting them again when I broke up with her – GCSEs are a very stressful experience (kidding). Anne couldn’t believe I’d never stopped for her. What she doesn’t understand is that she put up with it, meaning I didn’t have to stop. It is, therefore, Anne’s fault.

We bought some of that horrible tasting nail liquid at the weekend and I’ve been doing OK. I keep tasting it without even realising I’ve had my fingers anywhere near my mouth. It’ll be a tough habit to break.

I’m already seeing some growth and, whilst I’m hardly Wolverine yet, I expect that within a week or two people will be mistaking me for Hugh Jackman as I mosey down the street.

Ooh I am looking forward to X-Men 2.

By putting all this on the diary, I hope I’m increasing my chances of succeeding with my efforts, since I’ll have to admit if I fail and you can all write unpleasant comments about how many germs my fingers come into contact with every day, and how only small children bite their nails.

Long weekend again

Huzzah – another long weekend. It’s Anzac Day in Australia (and New Zealand) on Friday, so we all get a holiday. I found out today that the Queen’s birthday is also a public holiday here, which I thought was very loyal.

These long weekends aren’t so good when you’re contracting of course, but it’s nice to enjoy the city we’re living in. The weather forecast isn’t great, but I’ll be positive and hope for the best. We’re away on a two-day trip to the Blue Mountains on Saturday and Sunday, including a bushwalk into a very big canyon! Looking forward to that, though hope it’s not too wet.

We saw British comedian Dave Gorman at the Sydney Opera House last night, doing his Googlewhack Adventure show. It was very very funny indeed. He’s doing it at the Edinburgh Festival this year, and I’d guess that means he’ll be taking the show around the UK too. If he does I recommend you see it. He’s been off on one of his trivial but fun adventures again, and weaves the tale like a master.