Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Miss Vegemite-eee-eee

I recommend you do.

I may rave on about Tim Tams, and I do like the way Aussies put a slice of beetroot in a beefburger, but I don't like all Aussie food indiscriminately. I don't like Vegemite. (Pronounced, presumably, to rhyme with Yosemite.) (Which spoils the title to this diary entry.)

I'd heard of this foodstuff a lot, especially in Neighbours. It's like Marmite, I suppose, but worse. When we were staying with Shae and Andrew in Manly, Shae raved about it and said we must try it. I rose to the challenge and almost immediately gagged and spluttered - like a child eating sprouts.

It's the devil's custard, and you should stay away from it as you would a rabid wolf. A rabid wolf that leaves a nasty taste in your mouth.
