Monday, March 24, 2003

Tony Blair and me – really so different?

Hello - Stephen here. As a quick appendix to Anne’s post on Sunday, I was struck on Sunday night at how my path and that of the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, seem to intersect on occasion. Lessons I learn are similar to those facing Mr Blair. Bear with me on this.

So, yes, Anne allowed me to watch two videos in a row on Saturday night. These were Road To Perdition and Ghost World (not Ghostworld, as Anne hilariously wrote!) I was, as she said, chuffed by this. Things were coming together as never before, and two quality movies in one night (reviews later) was my dream come true.

But every silver lining…

On Sunday, after a relaxing day at the dragon boat races, I innocently suggested renting another video. I was only after watching one video, note – I wasn’t being silly here. But no. Anne said that since we had watched two films on Saturday night it would be nice to spend Sunday evening playing cards and listening to music. Gah!

Of course it was a nice evening, and I won at rummy. This shouldn't be taken as Anne being proved right though - I want to point that out right now. This was her manipulating the situation and making it impossible for me to protest. Somehow women have the knack of doing this. If I were to complain, as should be my right, I would have been the one who came out looking selfish and spoiled. I did all I could and magnanimously made the best of my lot, but I was entirely aware that nearby there was a video crying out to be watched.

It became clear to me that by watching two films on Saturday night I had effectively signed a deal with the devil. When you sign such a deal you must read the small print, as there’s always a price involved. I know now that when offered what appears to be my dreams on a platter I should tread carefully and think through all the possibilities.

And this seems to be a lesson Blair may be learning in the near future.

[Stephen nods sagely to himself whilst typing.]